
Street Fashion

A worldwide phenomenon

How many times in a day when you’re out in the city you live in do think something someone else is wearing looks cool? This is pretty much the idea behind the growth of website Street Fashion, which is filled with lots of photos, guides and ideas all about styles that pass you by on the streets around the world.

While the site’s street fashion shopping store is targeted to the US, it’s got lots of ideas for new styles, but the best part of the website is flicking through pics of people from all over the world to check out their different looks.

The website is also created on the move, with its HQ moving around the world, which sounds amazing. One year Buenos Aires, another the roads of the USA. It all sounds pretty romantic.

As well as checking out other styles, you can also join their photo group and add your own pics to the mix and see what other people think about the silks you’re flashing. The photos are broken down by country, so if you want to know what people are wearing in Bogota, Columbia, you can do. Lima, Peru has probably got the worst entry with what looks like a New Kids on the Block tribute band.


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