
How to wear a jumpsuit

Miss Sixty Red Sunshine Jumpsuit from New Look, £79
Miss Sixty Red Sunshine Jumpsuit from New Look, £79

Jumpsuits are one of those rare but fabulous trends that offer women the chance to pull of the cutting-edge fashionistas look while remaining deliciously comfortable. There is, of course, a downside – if you get it wrong, you could end up looking like you’ve left the house having forgotten to change out of your pajamas. So how can you make the jumpsuit work for you?

1. Glam it up: Because they are, secretly, really giant baby-grows in disguise, jumpsuits require a fair amount of jazzing up to live up to the demands of high fashion. This is one outfit where only a soaring pair of killer heels will do – leave those flats at home. Add an alluring up ‘do, a chunky necklace and a sparkling clutch bag to complete the look.

2. Cinch in your waist: Again, using a belt to create a waistline if your jumpsuit doesn’t have one built in will help turn a shapeless outfit into something really special. Some jumpsuits will come with elasticated waists or matching belts – New Look have a good selection of jumpsuits for women in this style that are certainly worth checking out.

3. Add a jacket: A suit-style jacket can instantly take a jumpsuit from a sofa-lounging outfit to something you’d quite happily wear in the office. If your jumpsuit is printed or patterned then opt for a plain jacket in nude or another muted colour to avoid overkill. However, if you’ve opted for a black or dark-coloured jumpsuit then experiment with a floral print or bright-coloured jacket.

4. Make yours an LBJ: The little black jumpsuit is the equivalent of the little black dress – endlessly versatile, always acceptable and great either for a glamorous night out or for office wear. Black is elegant, sophisticated, slimming and understated, making it the perfect colour to choose if you’re a jumpsuit virgin. Just add a touch of colour with jewellery and heels, and you’re good to go.

5. Get some celebrity inspiration: If you’re still unsure how to work the jumpsuit trend, then treat yourself to a little fashion inspiration. Seeing how the stars do it will help you get a better feel for the look.


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