
Luigi’s Mansion 2 on the Nintendo 3DS coming soon

Luigis Mansion 2

With the launch of the Nintendo Wii U, there’s not really much love around for anything else these days, but the upcoming release of Luigi’s Mansion 2 on the Nintendo 3DS, is definitely one to get exited about. It’s got cool looking graphics on the 3D stereoscopic device and it brings Luigi in on the Mazzer hand-held action that’s been the norm on the 3DS.

Following on from 2002’s Luigi’s Mansion for the Game Cube, the sequel sees Luigi return to his his ghost hunting antics, despite his nervous disposition. With his Poltergust ghoul sucking hoover and big old houses literally packed to the rafters with spooky goings on he’ll have a lot of ectoplasm on his plate.

In the original game, Luigi took on the ghost hunting challenge to try to find his brother Mario, who had gone missing. However, it doesn’t sound like that’s the story with the second installation. Essentially, from what we can make out, there’s just some mansions that have been overrun by scary-adze ghosts and having already defeated the earlier spooks, Luigi’s clearly the man for the job.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 is set for release in March 2013, so there’s just over a month to go before you can get your mitts on the game. It’s packed full of more puzzling fun than was evident in the Game Cube title, so you’re going to need a good chunk of Wheatabix fueled mental energy to get through to the end.

The difficulty level of the specters has been kicked up a notch too, so it’s probably not going to be a breeze battling them into the Poltergust. In fact instead of the simple torch from the original or the Nintendo Land mini game, you’ll need Luigi’s new strobe light to shock into submission before you can unleash the hoover of doom.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun, re-instilling some much needed love for the Nintendo 3DS. Hopefully there’ll be some more news on upcoming titles for the device after such a great early 2012 for game releases. Check out the trailer below:

You can also check out the Luigi’s Mansion 3 final boss to see how King Boo features at the end of the third game too.


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