
Hawkeye finale explained Season 1 ending

Hawkeye finale explained Season 1 ending

Episode 6 of Hawkeye has just arrived on Disney+ giving us the Season 1 ending for the show, so here’s the finale explained to help you piece together all of the various threads that have been set in motion during the series. Episode 5 had put in the ground work for one hell of a last episode with most of the mysteries starting to come into focus, but there were a few unconnected dots that needed to be linked together.

For the most part, the Season 1 finale does just that, giving us a lot more details to everything that has happened so far. However, it doesn’t spell everything out for you as you go, so if you’re looking for more explanation about the villain, Kate’s mum, Jack Duquesne, Maya or the Rolex watch the section below should help you get it all straight, or at least as down the line as you can get with Marvel TV shows.


Wandavision was the last Disney+ original production from Marvel Studios and while Hawkeye isn’t quite as mind-bending it did have a fair few mysteries to come to light. Most of them have now surfaced and to make our feature on the Hawkeye Finale explained easier to digest we’ve broken it down into ten main points for Season 1.

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Hawkeye Finale explained – top ten mystery moments

1. Firstly there’s Jack Duquesne, Kate’s new stepdad, and the finale confirmed that he wasn’t a villain, despite his Swordsman roots in the comics. He ended up helping Kate and Hawkeye fight off the Tracksuit Mafia with his excellent sword fighting skills. While he might still be a bit shady having participated in an underground auction of stolen goods and nabbing the Ronin sword, but he didn’t kill his uncle Armand.


2. That leads us to Eleanor Bishop, Kate’s mum and Jack’s fiancée. With debts from her husband, she’s been working with the main villain, Wilson Fisk AKA The Kingpin, ever since, and to protect that arrangement she had Armand killed because he was threatening her at the beginning of Hawkeye. She then went on to frame Jack for the murder when Kate and Clint got too close to stumbling on the truth about Fisk. She also arranged for Black Widow assassin Yelena to kill Clint, so she’s clearly got a relationship with Valentina Fontaine, who was introduced during Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

3. To complete the villain triptych we have the main man, Wilson Fisk. Kingpin was last seen in Daredevil on Netflix and his return confirms the MCU link with Matt Murdoch and team, which begin with Spider-Man No Way Home. The Kingpin is the underground mob boss of New York City and it was him pulling the strings, controlling Eleanor, Maya and the Tracksuit Mafia.


There are a few unanswered questions that leave the character and story hard to mark “explained” with the off-camera gunshot ending with Maya and then his interest in the Rolex watch. We’ll try to cover the latter a little further down, but for the first point we’re convinced he will make it out alive and we should see more from him in either spin-off series Echo or Hawkeye Season 2.

4. Next up is Kazimierz ‘Kazi’ Kazimerczac, who initially seemed completely loyal to Maya, despite ultimately answering to the big boss man himself. However, we found out in Episode 5 that he had been involved in the tip-off about Maya’s dad that had led Hawkeye to the illegal operation during his Ronin days. Wilson Fisk had given it the go-ahead to protect his operation, which is why Maya went after him and Kazi in the season finale. It doesn’t look good for Kazi’s survival, but with Marvel you can never write someone off completely.

5. The previous two points cover most of Maya explained, but it’s worth mentioning that she appears to have forgiven Hawkeye for his part in the death of her father and the rest of his crew. Forgiven might be a strong word, but Clint’s warning and information about the tip-off seems to have done the trick for now. Whether or not she picks things up with him in the future remains to be seen and with a whole new TV series to herself, we’re definitely going to see a lot more of Echo as her story develops.

6. That leads on to the explanation for Clint, who only really got involved because Kate Bishop was seen wearing his old Ronin suit. By the close of the finale, he’d burnt the suit to put that side of his life behind him for now, helped to keep Kate safe, buried the hatchet with Yelena over the contract to kill him and the death of Natasha, warned off Maya, beat down the Tracksuit Mafia and sidestepped Kingpin, and all in time for Christmas. The only mystery outstanding for him is to do with the Rolex watch, which we’ll cover in the next section.

7. The Hawkeye Season 1 finale confirmed that the owner of the timepiece that has featured in the story is none other than Laura Barton. The icon on the back is for S.H.I.E.L.D, which indicates that she is a former agent and used to work with Clint in the past. The fact that Kingpin was looking for the Rolex from the Avengers tower links the two with an as-yet undisclosed back story, so we’re expecting to see more about this in either Hawkeye Season 2 or Echo Season 1. Our best guess is that Laura was assigned to investigate the big man in the past and Fisk is still trying to bury any skeletons that might come back to haunt him.

If you’re wondering what the number 19 on the back of the watch relates to, we think that on the surface it will be an agent designation number similar to 007 in the Bond films. However, we’re also sure it’s an Easter egg that links to the Avengers 19 comic book, which marked the arrival of Swordsman. If that’s the case then we may well see a lot more from Jack Duquesne now that he’s got a taste for a more swashbuckling lifestyle.


8. There isn’t much left to be explained as such for Kate Bishop, but we’re clearly going to see more from her in the future. She was smart enough to beat Kingpin 1-2-1 in the Hawkeye finale, but this will no-doubt result in more trouble from the crime lord in Season 2. Her mum will also be a target with everything she knows about him.

If that isn’t enough, the Swordsman Easter egg could well signal the awakening of Jack Duquesne, so either he’s going to be an important ally for Kate or a potential villain in the future. In fact, he could easily go on to be both. The Season Finale showed him helping Kate, but we’ve also seen them at odds and his participation in the underground auction at the very beginning of Hawkeye, plus his theft of the Ronin sword, is more than enough to show he’s got the potential for a darker side to his character.

In the comic books, Swordsman helps to train Clint Barton, but that’s obviously not going to be the case here with him being a seasoned veteran superhero and member of the Avengers. However, it looks like Kate will go on to be known as Hawkeye alongside Clint, so she could get training from Jack in Season 2.

9. It looks like Black Widow assassin Yelena Belova believes Clint about how Natasha died, so she’s probably going to move on from this. The question is where she goes from here. Everything is possible right now and it’s going to be interesting to see how Florence Pugh fits in to the MCU in future films and TV series. She’s definitely a fan favourite, so this could be anything from a stand-alone Black Widow film, Disney+ series, Avengers movies or character tie-ins like Doctor Strange in Spider-Man No Way Home. The other outstanding question is how her relationship with contract handler Valentina Fontaine will be now that she’s reneged on the assassination of Hawkeye.

10. Finally, there’s Lucky the Pizza Dog. It looks like he’s going to be permanently adopted by Kate. In the comic books he was originally Clint Barton’s dog, so his connection to Kate is even more confirmation that she will be known officially as Hawkeye in the not too distant future. At the end of the Season 1 finale we saw Kate and Clint discussing her possible superhero name, which ended with Clint saying he has an idea. We’re expecting this to be Hawkeye, which could result in either a bow duo going forward or Clint’s retirement to pass on the mantle to Kate.

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And that’s it for our Hawkeye finale explained top ten. Hopefully, it covers all of your questions and a whole lot more, but if you need any more clarification or comments you can fire them at us over on Twitter. You can also check out our movie news section to keep tabs on the latest upcoming films, or visit the Marvel website at

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