
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Marbled Gohma guide – How to defeat the Fire Temple boss

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Marbled Gohma guide – How to defeat the Fire Temple boss

Things can get a bit tricky in your big to defeat The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom’s Fire Temple boss, so here’s out Marbled Gohma guide to give you some tips. The reality is that TotK gives you a lot of creative freedom in terms of how you tackle the bosses, so we’ll cover a few of the different plays you can run against it.

You’ll get to the Marbled Gohma once you get through the Fire Temple‘s gate by opening all of the locks. This will see you through to the area that you will have seen Zelda walking to when you first arrive at the temple, but instead of as reunion you get this boss fight.


As with a lot of the bosses in Tears of the Kingdom, the Marbled Gohma has two distinct phases and as you might expect the second one is the toughest. It can go on for a while unless you get things right, so the tips in our guide should help you to breeze on past it with a lot less hassle.

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How to defeat Marbled Gohma

As mentioned above, there are plenty of options when it comes to how to defeat Marbled Gohma. As the first phase of the Fire Temple boss is the easier this makes it perfect for experimentation to figure out which one works the best for you.

One approach is to shoot Yunobo at its feet twice, which will bring the rocky beast down to the ground. You can then run on in to climb up to its eye to get in your hits with the best weapon that you have in your inventory.


Another option that you have it to use Recall on the rocks that it fires out to you and wait for it to smash it back in the eye. This will again bring it down to the ground and you can run on in to get in your shots.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom bosses

One thing you don’t want to do is to stay up there too long, because it will shake you off and do a chunky amount of damage on you. Instead, try to get in a good mount of hits and then jump clear when you see it start to get its movement back.

If you can do this fast enough then you maximize your impact and minimize the damage you sustain in the process. Although, in all fairness, you can easily make it through the boss fight with the Marbled Gohma without taking in damage and you can see this in action in the video below.

There is a good trick tip you might want to try against it to make this even better. Essentially, you want to run underneath it as soon as you release the hit that would bring it down.


From there you can use Ascent to climb up to it’s eye without having to wait for it to fall. This will give you even more time of retina damage duty, which will come in handy when things get a little tougher in the second phase of the fight.

Here it gets a bit cagey and retreats to the roof where it’s more difficult to hit. It also gives it the high ground, so it can rain its attacks on you from above. If that isn’t enough, it also increases the intensity of the attacks to add in an exploding circle of red rocks to its arsenal.

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You can avoid this by sprinting or move the rocks with TotK’s Ultrahand to create an exit path through the circle. If you prefer the Yunobo approach then you’re going to need to work the angles and fire him up the wall to hit the Marble Gohma’s legs to bring it down, which you can see in the video above.

However, it might be better to rely on the recall method to fire its rocks back up at the eyeball. As with the first phase of the Fire Temple boss fight, this will bring it down to the ground and give you a lot of free hits.


Depending on the strength of your weapon, you can defeat it with just a couple of knockdowns and eyeball attacks. If you haven’t already gotten into the habit of using Fuse to attach stronger items to your weapons then now’s the time to give it a go. You might want to use the duplication glitch to get more of the best items that you use regularly.

You can also try firing bomb arrows at the eyeball to see if that brings it down too. It’s not something that we tried, but it seems logical that it could work well.

Another tip is that if you’re stuck in one of the exploding rock circles, you can also clear a path by firing Yunonu at one of the rocks, which will blow it up and allow you to escape. You can also try picking one up with Ultrahand and trying to hold it up close to the eye for it to do some damage.

Speed up meals and elixirs can also help to make it harder for the Marbled Gohma to hit you. However, if you’re looking for the quickest method to defeat the boss, it’s definitely the Recall rock and Ascend approach, which is a pretty cool method in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

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Check out our full guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom for more help to get the most out of the game. You can also see our computer games section for more news and features on TotK, or visit The Legend of Zelda website at

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