
Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania what happens to Scott?

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania what happens to Scott

Trailer 2 has just smashed the internet from the depths of the quantum realm, so you might be wondering what happens to Scott at the end of Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania. It culminates with more stakes than Van Helsing’s gym bag and it genuinely looks like Scott is in trouble.

He’s facing the might of Kang the Conqueror when Ant-Man, the Wasp and the rest of the Van Dynes wind up getting sucked down to the Quantum realm. It looks like Scott can hold his own a little in combat with Kang, but from the look of the trailer things might not end so well.


The story is that Cassie thinks she’s discovered something worth investigating down there and sends them all down to the sub-atomic level. It’s where Janet had been lost previously, and as soon as the accident happens she’s wary of the darker forces that she had only narrowly escaped previously.

Not only will they have to cut a deal with Kang the Conqueror to get out alive, but they’ll also have the MODOK to face. We won’t be able to discuss much more than that without going into the nuts and bolts of what could happen, so if you don’t want to find out any more, now’s the time to stop reading.


For everyone else, what we’re about to say is sort of speculative based on what we know about the MCU going forward, so it can still be taken with a pinch of salt. Equally, we might be spot on, so don’t blame us if what you read here goes on to happen in Ant-Man and the Wasp.

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So what happens to Scott in the end?

With all of the warnings out of the way, the trailer paints a pretty dark picture for Scott in his battle for his family against the tyrannical power of Kang the Conqueror. He’s clearly forced into coming to an arrangement with Kang to bring him what he needs, but it looks like there might be a double cross at some point.


However, trailers can be deceptive. This one appears to give a lot away, but we’re betting it’s more misdirection than linear progression for the story of Ant Man and the Wast Quantumania. What this means is that what you think you just saw you did not see.

The most important factor is the timeline of the events and the way that they’re presented. It looks like Scott holds up his end of the bargain and then Kang double-crosses him, but it’s also possible that the scene where Lang says, “we had a deal” is just a part of the early negotiations.

If Kang agrees to let Scott’s family go if he consents to bring him the things he needs, he might assume that they’ll be free to go straight away. Kang might hold on to them as leverage resulting in Scott saying something like, “you said you’d let them go, we had a deal.” Except the first bit isn’t in the trailer.

The point is that just because the trailer presents things in a certain order it doesn’t mean that’s how they’ll happen in Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania. Another option is that they battle to begin with and then they come up with a deal where the conversation above takes place. Scott could then bring him everything that he needs and when he gets his family back they could all try to stop Kang from leaving.

The problem is that it looks like Kang is going to get the best of Ant-Man and maybe even kill him. The shot of the villain looking frustrated and firing his plasma blasts is a pretty good indicator that things don’t go ll his way though.

Throughout all of the Quantumania trailers, Kang the Conqueror has looked about as unruffled as it gets. However, in this scene he clearly loses his shindig, so it can’t all be plain sailing for him from start to end.


The trailer also places two perilous moments close together that might not be a closely interrelated in the film. The chills line, “we both have to lose”, and Ant-Man’s visor getting crushed is next to a scene where multiple versions of Scott fail to reach a reactor, which builds the stakes and leaves you wondering what’s going to happen to him at the end.

However, they overshadow the point that there are clearly going to be a number of Scotts in Quantumania, so it’s sort of impossible to know which one is going to win, lose or draw. As a result, there’s more scope for a win win situation, which is how we think Ant-Man 3 is going to end.

Scott is likely to get him and his family out of the Quantum Realm, but then so is Kang the Conqueror with everything that he needs to start his assault on the multiverse. If you think about it, this is the best of both worlds as you get Scott out to warn the Avengers and you have Kang out ready to start the war.

There is another option, that Scott gets his family out, but gets trapped somehow trying stop Kang. This means that Kang would be out and it would be up to the Van Dyne’s to ring the warning sirens. We’d then get the possibility of Ant-Man making a surprise return in Avengers The Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars.

However, it’s doubtful when you think that Hank, Hope and Cassie could probably find some way to get him out. This makes the win win prediction above our best yet, so it’s time to look at what the ending of Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania might mean for the rest of Phase 5.

What does the possible end of Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania mean for the rest of Phase 5?

After Ant-Man and the Wasp Quatumania, we’ll be getting Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, but the story for this seems like it doesn’t really need Kang to feel complete. Either he won’t feature at all and the timelines will be similar, or Kang might get a credits scene appearance similar to Thanos at the end of the first Guardians of the Galaxy film.


Next we’ve got The Marvels and it’s a similar story here with its focus on Captain Marvel, Kumala Khan and Monica Rambeau and their location swapping problems. In fact, everything else in Phase 5 – Captain America New World Order, Thunderbolts, and Blade – appears to be mostly tied up with no big space for Kang the Conqueror to show his face.

Phase 6 will then kick off with Deadpool 3, which is the same, so it isn’t until Fantastic Four in 2025 that there’s much chance to see the ramifications from Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania. Even here he might not feature, and if that’s the case then it’s all on Avengers The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars for things to come to a head for Scott and the new big bad.

The other consideration is MCU TV with Loki Season 2 being the big one. It will inevitably feature Kang the Conqueror, who was teased at the end of Season 1. This has to link into the story of Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania and we’ll get to see how this all comes together when it arrives on Disney+ later in 2023.

Another option is to tease other variants of Nathanial Richards (He Who Remains and Kang’s real name) throughout Phase 5. Maybe one of them will show up in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, or any of the other films, so there are still opportunities to feature Jonathan Majors in the role other than The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars.

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Trailer 2:

We’ll update you with more details on what happens to Scott when the Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania release date rolls around. You can also check out our movie news section to keep tabs on the latest upcoming film releases, or visit the Marvel website at


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